Car Shipping to Florida: How to Do It Right


After thinking about it for a while, you’ve most likely decided to have your car shipped to Florida instead of driving it there from another state. Whether you’ve just bought a new vehicle, or you’re moving to this state, or you have completely other reasons for needing to transport the car, using professional services is always much better than driving. It can be damaging to your health and to your vehicle as well, as explained on this page.

There’s no doubt you’ve decided to have the car professionally shipped. Even if you haven’t used these services in the past, your logic will tell you that it is the best decision. The only thing is, though, if you haven’t used the services in the past, you may not know exactly how to use them the right way. And, you don’t want to wind up making any mistakes.

Since you don’t want to make mistakes, it goes without saying that you’ll want to learn how to do this right. There are crucial steps to take so as to ensure you’ll get the most out of the service, and since you’re new to this whole transportation world, you’ll need to take your time to figure out what those steps are. Below I’ll list them for you, aiming at leading you towards understanding precisely how to do the car shipping process the right way.

  • Find Companies That Ship to Florida

You already know the destination to which you want your vehicle to be transported, and that’s the piece of info you’ll have to use in the initial stages of your research. In the searching stage, to be more precise. Basically, you have to find companies that ship to Florida from your specific location, and you can do that by searching for them online. Simply typing in the right keywords in your browser will do the trick and yield a lot of relevant results.

  • Compare Different Ones and Choose
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Having found a few different companies that offer car transport to florida, you may be tempted to choose one of those randomly. Not a good idea. Comparing the different companies you’ve come across, aiming at checking their experience levels, their reputation and the general quality of the shipping services they’re offering is a must.

Doing the comparisons will also get you familiar with the different shipping options you can use. Some firms offer open carrier transport, others offer enclosed carrier transport, and both of those types come with their own advantages. Deciding on the type you want will help you further narrow down your choices. Once you’ve found all the info you need and done all the comparisons, you’ll absolutely be ready to make your choice.

  • Agree on the Pickup and Delivery Details

After making the choice, you will, of course, have to contact the professionals you want to cooperate with and agree on all the pickup and delivery details. Those include the locations, the dates and the pickup time that will be convenient to you. Remember that the prices could also be dictated by the dates, so if you’re not in a hurry, you may be able to play around with those, aiming at finding the best deal for you. Ultimately, you should talk about all the details and agree on the solution that works both for you and for the company transporting your car.

  • Prepare Your Vehicle

Did you know that you’ll have to prepare your vehicle for transport? This may not have even crossed your mind, and yet it is an important part of the service. Wash and clean the car, and make sure not to leave any valuables or important documents inside, as those may not be covered by insurance. Furthermore, remember to remove any outside accessories as well, since those could be damaged during the transportation.

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If you’re still not sure how to choose the right company to have your vehicle shipped, this could help you make a decision: 

  • Inspect for Damage Prior to Departure and Upon Arrival

When you hire a great company, you can rest assured that they will do everything to protect your vehicle from damage during transportation. That, however, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t inspect it yourself, possibly together with the professionals that will be transporting it. In fact, you should do the inspection prior to departure and upon arrival as well.

By recording any current damage your vehicle has, it will be easier for you to identify any new damage that may be caused by the shipping process. A lot of great firms offer insurance for such damage, which is why doing this is important. As mentioned, you should make sure that the professionals you’re cooperating with are present during the inspection, especially upon arrival, so that you can know right away if something has been damaged and if you’re entitled to compensation.